HBdV Fellowships für die Teilnahme an der 7. European Conference on Service-Learning in Higher Education “Transforming Europe through University Collaboration” Zielgruppe: (Junge) Forschende Datum: 24 – 25 September 2024 Ort: Universität der Balearen (Palma, Mallorca) Das Hochschulnetzwerk als Teil des Konsortiums des Erasmus+ Projekts SLIDE (Service-Learning as a pedagogy to promote Inclusion, Diversity and Digital Empowerment) und des EASLHE Netzwerks (European Association of Service Learning in Higher Education) lädt junge Forschende zur Teilnahme an der Konferenz ein. Es werden alle Kosten (An- und Abreise, Unterkunft und Verpflegung vor Ort) übernommen. Haben Sie Interesse, an der Konferenz teilzunehmen? Dann schicken Sie uns bitte bis zum 20.04.2024 eine Bewerbung mit maximal einer DinA4 Seite Text zu Ihrer Vita, Motivation und Ihrer geplanten Einreichung für die Konferenz. Weitere Informationen zur Konferenz entnehmen Sie bitte dem folgenden Absatz. |
Call for Abstracts: The 7th European Conference on Service-Learning in Higher Education – #7ECSLHE “Transforming Europe through University Collaboration” 24 – 25 September 2024, Balearic Islands (Spain) The Scientific Committee of the 7th European Conference on Service-Learning in Higher Education (ECSLHE) on “Transforming Europe through University Collaboration” invites academics, teachers and practitioners from across Europe and other continents to contribute to the debate on the development and institutionalization of Service-Learning in the European Higher Education Area. Europe is facing significant socio-political, economic and environmental challenges. Higher education is uniquely positioned to promote and sustain lasting changes in societies. Service-learning is a key pedagogical approach, not only because of its impact on excellence in the academic field, but also because of its possibilities of contributing to transformations towards fairer, more democratic, and environmentally responsible societies. Strategic partnerships and institutional alliances are key to promoting service-learning, as is research and innovation adapted to the variety of contexts in Europe. Download call for abstracts |